Job Opportunities

  • Employment Application.pdf

    Positions Available:


    Johnsburg Central School has an immediate opening for a full-time night Shift (2-10:30) Cleaner. Applications are available on the school’s website under District or in person in the main office.  Competitive wages, a starting salary of $15.60, and benefits packages are offered.  Send a letter of interest with a completed application to Michael J. Markwica, 165 Main Street, North Creek, NY 12853, or email


    Sub's Needed (see below)

    Coaching Positions

    Johnsburg-Minerva Athletics is seeking outstanding coaching candidates for the 2020-2021 school year. The following is a list of available sports:
    Fall Sports: Girls Soccer (Varsity) and Cross Country Running  
    Winter Sports: Boys and Girls Basketball (Varsity and Modified) and Nordic Skiing (Varsity and Modified)
    Spring Sports: Boys Baseball (Varsity and Modified), Girls Softball (Varsity and Modified) and
    Tennis (Varsity and Modified)

    Applications are available online at or or either school’s main office.  If you have any questions, please call, 518-251-2921(Johnsburg) or 518-251-2000 (Minerva).

    Coaching Application X (1).pdf

    Subs Needed

    Johnsburg Central School is looking for people to substitute for cafeteria, support staff, custodians, bus drivers, and teachers.  If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest to Michael Markwica at 165 Main Street, North Creek, NY  12853.